Pure Python Rescaling + Linear Interpolation
I was looking for a pure-Python (no external library) rescaling code for something I’m working on. I realized the options are limited, even with Numpy. Most of the solutions recommend using OpenCV or SciPy. I ended up putting together this solution which meets my needs (arbitrary size + smooth rescale).
Original reply: https://stackoverflow.com/a/69157357/2000521
import math
import numpy
def resize_linear(image_matrix, new_height:int, new_width:int):
"""Perform a pure-numpy linear-resampled resize of an image."""
output_image = numpy.zeros((new_height, new_width), dtype=image_matrix.dtype)
original_height, original_width = image_matrix.shape
inv_scale_factor_y = original_height/new_height
inv_scale_factor_x = original_width/new_width
# This is an ugly serial operation.
for new_y in range(new_height):
for new_x in range(new_width):
# If you had a color image, you could repeat this with all channels here.
# Find sub-pixels data:
old_x = new_x * inv_scale_factor_x
old_y = new_y * inv_scale_factor_y
x_fraction = old_x - math.floor(old_x)
y_fraction = old_y - math.floor(old_y)
# Sample four neighboring pixels:
left_upper = image_matrix[math.floor(old_y), math.floor(old_x)]
right_upper = image_matrix[math.floor(old_y), min(image_matrix.shape[1] - 1, math.ceil(old_x))]
left_lower = image_matrix[min(image_matrix.shape[0] - 1, math.ceil(old_y)), math.floor(old_x)]
right_lower = image_matrix[min(image_matrix.shape[0] - 1, math.ceil(old_y)), min(image_matrix.shape[1] - 1, math.ceil(old_x))]
# Interpolate horizontally:
blend_top = (right_upper * x_fraction) + (left_upper * (1.0 - x_fraction))
blend_bottom = (right_lower * x_fraction) + (left_lower * (1.0 - x_fraction))
# Interpolate vertically:
final_blend = (blend_top * y_fraction) + (blend_bottom * (1.0 - y_fraction))
output_image[new_y, new_x] = final_blend
return output_image