It’s happening!
This year’s theme: Sequels!
After spitballing in Discord for a while, I decided to make a sequel/spinoff to Enter the Matrix. The Matrix really needed sequels, right?
Gameplay: A side-scrolling 2D platformer/beat ’em up.
Minimum Viable Product:
- 2D character controls with jumping and collision (weekend 1)
- Punching and kicking with some visual indicator (weekend 1)
- Enemies that respond to punches (weekend 1)
- A start and end state with menus, spawning, death, and completion (weekend 2)
- An environment the player can traverse from start to end (weekend 2)
Stretch goals:
- JUICE for enemy impacts.
- Animated player moves.
- A combo system.
- Backstory and dialog systems.
Let’s roll.