
Monthly Archives: October 2015

Or: “How I learned to stop worrying and generate planet names.”

A friend of mine is working on a procedural universe generator. Procedural stuff is something I happen to love, as you might ascertain from my older ramblings. In the interest of handing out some knowledge, I want to illustrate an application of different number system representations. After this is done, you’ll have an intuitive understanding of how to take any number (from 0 through 2^64-1) and get back a planet name like ‘Gregorio-X. Ignus system. Charion group. Darion supercluster.’

First, some background.

One numeric basis to which you’re already accustomed is base-10. Base ten has the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 in it. If you write a number in base ten, like 123, you know that a digit in 2’s place counts for 10x what a digit in 3’s place does. That’s perhaps a long way of saying “123 is 100 + 20 + 3”. We can rewrite 123 as 1*10^2 + 2*10^1 + 3*10^0. Anything to the power of zero is 1. 10^0 is 1. Our first 3*10^0 reduces to 3*1 = 3. Great. Now something easier. 10^1 = 10, so 2*10^1 is 2*10 = 20. The process repeats. What you should be seeing from this pattern is each digit position increasing the weight by a factor of 10 — each change in position means the exponent is bigger by one. This will become important when we look at other bases.


Binary is base-2. The digits in binary are simple: 0 and 1. Let’s look at the number 101. That’s 5 in base-10. Similar to how we can write 123 as 1*10^2 + 2*10^1 + 3*10^0, we can rewrite 101 as 1*2^2 + 0*2^1 + 1*2^0. 1*4 + 0*2 + 1*1 = 4 + 0 + 1 = 5.

With me so far? Hang tight. We’re almost there.


What would happen if we wanted a base with MORE than ten digits? Well, hexadecimal happens to be base 16. We have digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F! Note that we need more than just our regular ten digits. To account for all the numbers in hex, we have to include some letters. ‘A’ in this case is ’10’ and ‘B’ is ’11’. And so on up to ‘F’ = ’15’. This means ’10’ in hexadecimal is 16 in decimal. 1*16^1 + 0*16^0. C2A is C*16^2 + 2*16^ 1 + A*16^0. Substitute C with 12 and A with 10 to get 12*16^2 + 2*16^1 + 10*16^0. 12*256 + 2*16 + 10*1 = 3072 + 32 + 1 = 3114.

Arbitrary Bases

Notice how in hexadecimal we had to include other digits A-F. We don’t _have_ to use 0-9 as our basis digits, either. Let’s use base-10, but for digits 0-9 we will substitute ‘fluffy’, ‘fuzzy’, ‘poof’, ‘bunny’, ‘kitten’, ‘puppy’, ‘snuggly’, ‘happy’, ‘cuddly’, ‘puff’. The number 0189 then is ‘fluffyfuzzycuddlypuff’. We can also go backwards, ‘snugglypuppypoof’ is 652.

As a natural extension to this, we can pick bigger bases. In my code, I picked base-65 because that gave me around 8 digits to represent all the numbers 0 to 2^64. Here’s the Python code which converts from base-10 to base-65. My digits for the base are made up names.

I’ve been trying to squeeze data out of my RBM trainer for a few days. I can get some good looking weights, but I’m a bit stuck on generating novel data. Here are some things I’ve tried and learned.

Increase Gibbs Sampling

In Hinton’s Coursera lectures, he speaks of flattening out the energy landscape. Imagine the RBM as water, trying to move to the state of lowest energy (the reservoirs). In the case of MNIST, we have ten pools, one for each of the digits zero through nine. If we use one step of gibbs sampling, we flatten out the area nearby each of those local pools, meaning drops that don’t fall far from them will move downhill and fall into one of the ten reservoirs. If we’re farther out, however, the droplet might get stuck in a different local minimum — one outside the range we’d smoothed. We have to gradually increase the number of gibbs samples so that we flatten out progressively larger regions. In doing so, it means when we randomly generate data in the field, it will “flow” into one of our predefined categories.

Generate Random Inputs, Not Random Hiddens

I tried randomly setting the hidden values and propagating back from that. It didn’t work since there is some ‘most liked’ states. I imagine if I were setting those states based on learned patters I’d have more luck, but until them I just have to randomly generate a visible state.

Don’t Accumulate Samples

In the following examples, assume input is a randomly initialized array of appropriate size.

This is the code I tried:

public Matrix daydream(Matrix input, int numCycles) {
	Matrix accumulator = Matrix.zeros(input.numRows(), input.numColumns());
	for(int i=0; i < numCycles; i++) {
		input = reconstruct(predict(input), true); // True means binary reconstruction.
	return accumulator.elementMultiply_i(1.0/(double)numCycles);

It's not the worst I've seen -- at least the samples aren't all the same, but it's far from good.

On the other hand, this one seems to go to zero after a few dozen iterations:

public Matrix daydream(Matrix input, int numCycles) {
	for(int i=0; i < numCycles; i++) {
		// False means gaussian reconstruction, but true yields the same results.
		input = reconstruct(predict(input), false);
	return input;

I would guess it's because I have bias disabled for these networks.

Aij, my egotystically named AI learning toolkit is still in development. Last weekend, I went through and did some bug fixes which allow Hinton’s results on MNIST to be reproduced.

You can see the full source on Github here:


AIJ library after training on MNIST for a few epochs. No visible or hidden bias. (~100)

Unbiased RBM with Long-Training Time

Another unbiased RBM after several thousand more iterations.